It has come to my attention that my seminal piece is not on this blog! Hence I present to you: Bitch with a Wineglass. She's on all my business cards (which I need to print more of, come to think of it...).
Now let me explain to you why the term "bitch" comes into play. Yes, this goes back to George. Years ago, I posed for a sculpture that George was working on. I was the second model to sit for that piece (which he did not finish before he died). He eternally referred to her as "the bitch," "the roommate," and other such things. She was something he just could not finish and for quite the while this painting you see here was something that I just could not finish. While his bitch never made it to bronze, mine did finally get her frame. I'm glad I perservered and finished her instead of throwing my hands up in frustration and then dumping her in the trash (although she did spend a year banished in a closet).
18 x 24 acrylic on panel canvas applied with brush.
Photo by Steve Lundberg.
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